Orange bike hate crimes.

Perhaps these bikes are in a prison of their own...Abandoned, scared, blindfolded and waterboarded. Something Senator McCain is really into even though it was done to him.

Picture by: stonefaction on flickr.
Oh, yes, they have been tortured...This bike was on 40th between 7th and 8th Ave.
Picture by: Lars Klove

Some of you out there have responded that all this attention is just what DKNY wants. I say if they are going to put out this kind of vague message, its up to us to not only reclaim the bikes they've wasted, but reclaim their cheap shot advertising and highlight our message. The fact is that we don't need DKNY to tell us to ride a bike and we don't need them ripping off our visual images of the white painted ghost bikes. "Our deaths are not for sale," wrote in one concerned bikeblog reader as a possible banner slogan. Or maybe its our souls that are not for sale.
Here is how many of the bikes have ended up...
Izumi sent in some pictures of orange bikes he saw around town.
Washington Square North:

Sticker says...I bike, I vote.
Christopher and Varick

cut in half...oh the humanity.

Greenich and Perry St.

Greenwich and Little West12th

West 14th and 9th

Broome and Mulberry

Those bikes got off light...the must have confessed. But these bikes were not so lucky.
I snapped a few of these with my cell phone:
Chained to another bike at in front of the Secret Garden, East 4th and Ave C.

Then I found two on 42nd, between 6th and 5th Ave. One had been cut in half.

Another was locked, seems to be untouched...crying for help. Each one of the locks has numbers on them...this one was prisoner #18

Then I saw another on 40th st. and 5th Ave. Sadly cut in half.
Is this how DKNY wanted to encourage people to ride bikes? I saw lots of peoples reactions as they walked by these mangled pieces of bicycle. I could only help but think that they had no idea what was going on. This is why I say messages should not be ignored. Its bad enough we are constantly bombarded with ads every waking minute we walk around NYC. Now people see more clutter, more abandoned bikes, more destruction. Sad. Hope your happy Donna Karan.
Yeah, so, funny shit for the bikes to be all cut in half and pillaged and all, but now I'm left feeling that much more uncomfortable about locking my bike up in the city. Thanks DKNY. Thanks guys.
Hey, this orange paint business isn't it what banks do to prevent stolen cash from being usable? I've seen a few kids riding around town here on bikes that have been totally sprayed over. A sure sign that the bike was stolen and made to look different.
So now there's a bunch of busted up bikes all over your town and most of the parts are trashed with orange paint. So this DKNY mob have taken usable machines and turned them into trash....?
Nice statement.
The thing that I find the most boggling is that DKNY thought this was an effective, er. . . what exactly? Old beater bikes with crappy orange paint jobs are fashionable and desirable because. . .?
It seems a pretty dumb thing to want to put their name on. They should fire whoever sold them on this stunt, or better yet ask for their money back.
dear dkny: please stop taking good parking spaces.
the orange bike color is really strong and awesome...
kudos friend..
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