Today is Critical Mass all around the world.
Mike Maronna of the 90's classic kids show: "The adventures of Pete and Pete," is a member of my local film union, a talented actor and a member of our bike community. Here he is in a new music video for Nada Surf. Nice riding Mike!

Music video
Labels: peteandpete messengers nyccriticalmass critical mass nadasurf nada surf
Get out there and get arrested you a-hole tree huggers. I hope the NYPD arrests you all!
Way to go Mikey! What is the Pete and Pete show?
Great weird show in on Nickelodeon.
BTW, is that how NYC couriers are? They get office people to come downstairs and give them the packages...ha ha ha. And you got all day to do skids in Central Park. Damn, must be great there.
except for birmingham (uk). we have ours on the first friday of every month rather than the last.
Some people have them on the second friday of the Month. But honestly, who long as we have them. Nice on Birmingham. How is critical mass over there? Keep up the great work Bikeblog.
Pete is awesome! Great video.
critical mass of freedom ???
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