Demoliton Fixie
Heres a video from MSNBC explaining.
We may be heading that way with the whole fixed gear trend.
Take this ad for

Its there new spring collection for 08 called: alleycats. With other really offensive rip-offs of bike culture that aren't even in the same decades: "Breakaway from the mainstream" an obvious reference to the 1979 movie. (Hey 1979-the year disco died...hmmm) Its all really laughable.
Bikesnob has a good quiz about all this.
Then I stumbled onto this blog: yofixie who had up this great video spoofing fixed gears with fixed skateboards...
Labels: fixie fixedgear alleycat breakingaway deathofdisco disco brooklyn nyc
hahaha this is the funniest shit ever. In fact it is too funny to offend my fixed gear riding ass.
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