Sunday, January 20, 2008

Demoliton Fixie

Trends come and go and often die in a fiery blaze. Remember when everyone used to rollerblade to work? Where are they now. Kind of like the day Disco died, when mainstream artists like the Rod Stewart, the Rolling Stones and Kiss started having disco songs. Sometimes the trends can be antiquated with actual days like when the record promoters staged a "Demolition Disco" night during a Chicago Whitesoxs double header in July 1979. Music historians claim this it the official day disco died when fans were encouraged to bring disco albums to the game, throw them in a pile and watch them explode.
Heres a video from MSNBC explaining.

We may be heading that way with the whole fixed gear trend.

Take this ad for

Its there new spring collection for 08 called: alleycats. With other really offensive rip-offs of bike culture that aren't even in the same decades: "Breakaway from the mainstream" an obvious reference to the 1979 movie. (Hey 1979-the year disco died...hmmm) Its all really laughable.

Bikesnob has a good quiz about all this.

Then I stumbled onto this blog: yofixie who had up this great video spoofing fixed gears with fixed skateboards...



Blogger Expatriate said...

hahaha this is the funniest shit ever. In fact it is too funny to offend my fixed gear riding ass.

12:28 PM  

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