Wednesday, January 09, 2008

RNC, in Minneapolis...history repeats itself...again.

We New Yorkers know there is no better way to ruin your critical mass ride than a Republican National Convention coming to town. We're still feeling the effects of a once largely attended worldwide event, reduced to 50 or so people brave enough to ride bikes in a group and challenge a childish police grudge from 4 years ago. An RNC is a golden opportunity for law enforcement to break out their shiny new 'non-lethal' weaponry they got for Christmas and put your hard earned tax dollars to work. Not to mention treat everyone like terrorists and turn up the Orange levels to maximum.

Since we've ignored the urgent calls for campaign reform, yet again...we've front loaded the primaries and have created such a rush in candidate selection that now only those with top dollars can stay afloat through super Tuesday in the first week of February.

The police activity is also front loaded and the cops in Minneapolis have wasted no time in preparing for the next Republican Convention in September of 2008.

The pattern repeats itself.

Back in August of 2007, Minneapolis' peaceful critical mass ride guessed it...taken over by ANARCHISTS...or so the story goes by the police.

Minneapolis is hosting this years RNC, September 1-4th 2008, and people are already front loading the organizing to give these wealthy, war mongering, corporate welfare receiving, public service destroying delegates a proper HELLO (NOT WELCOME)

Not that any Republican has a chance this time around, but that won't stop Homeland Security form cracking down on our rights of free speech, free assembly and freedom to ride bikes.

Here's a little recap of what went on by Huffington Post writer Peter Smith.

Here's a little video:

Things seemed to have calmed down...since the ANARCHISTS left. Damn those ANARCHISTS, they hate our freedom. There like TERRORISTS only without a "T."

so in September the critical mass seemed to be more peaceful.

Here is a great video from the the uptake.

Check out the Uptake, a group of citizen journalists who happened to have a live stream from the primary in New Hampshire.

I'm sure they will be following the activities leading up to the RNC.


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