Cyclists in LA formulate a Bill of Rights

Feeling the pen could be mightier then the spoke, a newly formed group, the bike writers, got together and made a declaration which included the following demands.
Bicyclist Bill Of Rights
WHEREAS, cyclists have the right to ride the streets of our communities and this right is formally articulated in the California Vehicle Code; and
WHEREAS, cyclists are considered to be the “indicator species” of a healthy community; and
WHEREAS, cyclists are both environmental and traffic congestion solutions; and
WHEREAS, cyclists are, first and foremost, people — with all of the rights and privileges that come from being members of this great society; and
NOW, THEREFORE, WE THE CYCLING COMMUNITY, do hereby claim the following rights:
1. Cyclists have the right to travel safely and free of fear.
2. Cyclists have the right to equal access to our public streets and to sufficient and significant road space.
3. Cyclists have the right to the full support of educated law enforcement.
4. Cyclists have the right to the full support of our judicial system and the right to expect that those who endanger, injure or kill cyclists be dealt with to the full extent of the law.
5. Cyclists have the right to routine accommodations in all roadway projects and improvements.
6. Cyclists have the right to urban and roadway planning, development and design that enable and support safe cycling.
7. Cyclists have the right to traffic signals, signage and maintenance standards that enable and support safe cycling.
8. Cyclists have the right to be actively engaged as a constituent group in the organization and administration of our communities.
9. Cyclists have the right to full access for themselves and their bicycles on all mass transit with no limitations.
10. Cyclists have the right to end-of-trip amenities that include safe and secure opportunities to park their bicycles.
11. Cyclists have the right to be secure in their persons and property, and be free from unreasonable search and seizure, as guaranteed by the 4th Amendment.
12. Cyclists have the right to peaceably assemble in the public space, as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.
And further, we claim and assert these rights by taking to the streets and riding our bicycles, all in an expression of our inalienable right to ride!
#12, seemed to create the most discussion for cyclists to be able to peaceably assemble. Hmmm, I can't imagine where else some sort of document like this would also be useful?
The right to assembly came under fire (literally) last May when the LAPD decided it would be good idea to forcibly end a immigration rally in MacArthur Park, with riot cops, teargas and rubber bullets, which they just happened to have standing by in case things got ugly.

reminder video
(just to follow up) The police are still confused at the reaction despite beating people including a Fox tv crew. FOX guys? common their on your side. The police also claim the riot was provocted by 'missle-throwing agitators' and that the 13 seconds they gave the crowd to disperse, stated in ENGLISH, should have been ample time to get a mostly SPANISH speaking group to pack up all their stuff and leave a peaceful rally.
The nerve of some people with their silly constitutional rights and their assembling.
But fear not America...the LAPD has a solution to these kinds of pesky problems...they bought 4, 350,000 Polaris and 'phraselators', which are basically robots and computers to help them communicate in multiple languages...I can't make stuff like this up.
Ok, Ok, I went off on a big tangent to rag on the LAPD.

On February 6th, the cyclists of LA delivered their demands on a storm the Bastille, bike ride, to the City of Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee.
For a more thorough explanation of all this, besides me sitting in my bathrobe blogging at 5 in the morning. Visit these sites:"
BTW, my wife and I will be in LA March 14th-24th, so we hope to meet some of the Bike Community and check out all their hard work.
Labels: Cyclists bill of rights cyclistsbillofrights LA los Angeles LAPD riots bikewriters billofrights
Michael, We look forward to riding with you when you're in LA! Stephen & Enci
When do we get to demand the right to breathe clean air?
Actually, studies have shown that being on your bike in traffic has shown to be less harmful than being in your car.
Here is a treehugger article about it:
Still, I agree with you, it is of little consolation when you are breathing in exaust fumes from an SUV (gingerly navigating its way through the urban jungle).
have a single speed bike for sale. its an amazing looking PUMA bike..
finally , the law for biker... awesome man.. :-)
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