Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pedicabs Legislation Hearing

Pedicabs Need Your Help Thursday!

In the mid-1990s, Time's Up! helped start the pedicab
business in NYC. Now the pedicabs need your help to
keep this vital form of non-polluting transporation
alive in NYC.

Come and show your support and/or speak out at the
hearing at City Hall tomorrow (Thursday) on the
Department of Consumer Affairs Intro 75 Bill. Let them
know that the legislation should not restrict the
number of pedicabs and where they can go. We need to
pack the room to show that New Yorkers support the
pedicab business and that we want more nonpolluting
transportation in the city!

What: City Council hearing on Pedicab legislation
When: Thursday, May 11, 1:00 p.m.
Where: The main city council chamber at City Hall, on
the 2nd floor. There is a metal detector everyone has
to pass through.

Below are a few of the issues with respect to the
proposed legislation:

1) Eliminates pedicab's right to travel in Central
Park, i.e., just traveling through it; eliminates
pedicab's right to travel across bike lanes on bridges

2) Gives the city the right in the future to restrict
pedicab's presence on certain streets (not yet named),
without community input, possibly interfering with our
right to travel; also pedicabs might see a two minute
time limitation on where pedicabs stop to stand. So
pedicabs would have no place where they could rightly
stop (and does not authorize the creation of waiting

3) Gives the city the right to limit the number of
pedicabs. This could could create an expensive pedicab
medallion trade, which would mean a business could
scoop up all of the permits and take them off the
market or create a market price so high that regular
pedicab people could not afford them

4) Kills off the conference bikes, even for private


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