Sunday, July 27, 2008

Article in Wired about Challenges of Modern day Messenger Companies

Internet Endangers Big-City Tradition: The Bike Messenger

By David Kravets

Wired Magazine 7/25/08

Bike messengers (left to right) Josh Godar, Chris Sparks and Annunaki Jonny talk with Wheels of Justice co-owner Matt Flores outside the business, on Mission Street in San Francisco.
Emily Lang/

SAN FRANCISCO -- Here along Market Street, heavily tattooed bicyclists with too many piercings in too many places weave through traffic, ducking subway steam vents, trolleys, motorists and a sea of jaywalkers. They're bike messengers -- a fixture in most large cities -- slinging satchels stuffed with legal documents, blueprints, executives' lunches and eviction notices.

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