New Website is Launched...Ghostbikes.

A new site has been launched to explain those painted white bicycles which are parked all over the world.
Here is a little press about the site:
New York, NY (December 12, 2007) — A web site featuring ghost bike projects and locations has been launched by New York's Street Memorial Project to connect similar efforts around the world. By the end of 2007, 41 ghost bikes will have been installed in New York City. This year, there have been 23 deaths according to media reports. On the day the site will launch, a memorial ride honoring two cyclists who were killed in midtown in the past week will be held. Information about New York City's upcoming annual memorial ride for cyclists killed in 2007, scheduled for January 6, 2008, can be found on the web site.
The site,, is in an open source format that will allow groups and individuals in each city to maintain information on their memorials and events. Volunteers are contacting advocacy groups in other cities to encourage them to participate and add information about their ghost bike projects.
Ghost bikes are bicycles painted completely white that are placed near fatal crash sites accompanied by plaques to remember fallen cyclists. The first ghost bikes appeared in St. Louis in 2003, and they have since emerged in over 25 cities throughout the world. Ghost bikes were first installed in New York City in June 2005 to honor and remember cyclists killed on our city's streets and to draw attention to dangerous conditions for cyclists.
The Street Memorial Project was developed in 2007 to incorporate all the people involved in creating ghost bikes and to include pedestrian memorials. Through the project, volunteers work together to construct the memorials and organize memorial rides and walks to highlight the prevalent safety issues on our streets and remember those killed.
This site also contains videos from past memorials including this one which does an excellent job of illustrating the efforts being done in NYC.
I'm a little confused because there is also --Ghostbike with out the (s) I assume this is an older site with the same intentions.
Out in Broad Channel, Queens, NY there is the Head-Quarters of a company that supplies portable toilets to construction companies and other outdoor venues. Their trucks line the side of the roadway at Cross Bay Blvd. These trucks interfere with the safe passage of Cyclists traveling along the city funded bike path. This is a safety hazard and needs to cease. Anyone reading this blog entry who has an interest please contact the DOT and express your disgust at this company's shitty behavior. Here's a photograph that reveals the extent of this hazard.
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