Monday, August 11, 2008

New Olympic event...Dismantling Free Speech...Olympic Comitee gets the gold.

Students for a free Tibet had a candle light vigil and protest at the Chinese consulate on August 7th, on the eve of the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games in Beijing.

Apparently the Olympic committee has taken the video of this demonstration down from Youtube. Not quite the image they want of happy children dancing to fireworks.

More on this story on Gothamist.

Here it is on Vimeo.

NYC Chinese Consulate Projection Action 08.07.08 from Students for a Free Tibet on Vimeo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the dalai lama about his views on womens rights, like abortion. Or ask him what he thinks of queer people. Or on modern day medicine.

Before the Monk regime was crushed in Tibet the people was living as peasants. When they where ill they was treated with pills made out of monk shit.

The Tibetan "freedom fighters" are just a small bunch of religious extremists, funded by CIA trying to stir up some trouble in the region.

The only difference between the Talibans and the Tibetans are that the later are better on branding themselves; spinning the media and winning clueless Hollywood actors to their cause.

10:41 AM  

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